My Job in the Future!


I really love my career!

I know there is a difference betwen a job and a career, but I've always wanted to study architecture because I think is a very dinamic and dyvergent career, understand that the persons needs so much more than four walls for a good live, and the society and evironment are always changing, and we have to try to do the best for both of them.

But besides that, I’ve always thought that for try to solve the problems that come our way, we have to know a little bit of a very big diversity of topics, and that is what I’ve always wanted to do, know a little bit of a looooooot of things, I didn’t want to study about just one thing because I think everything is such interesting! And with architecture I’ve learn so much, and is fascinating to realise that are so many other things I don’t know.

I’m completely consent that nor me nor anyone in the world could know everything, but at least, I will try to learn a little and have the new experiences that architecture could give me, like photography, desing, work in public areas....

In my future, I imagine myself working like an architect, working for the people, help them to find and construct a good and deserving place to live, and go with them in that journey to find a home, and I want to try to make my input in the city, be part of the process of trying to make them better for the persons and the enviroment.

I’ve always thought is truth that when you love something you are not actually working. That is why I do imagine myself working like an architect, but I also imagine myself making other things.

For example, I love swim and the childs! This year I did swimming classes, and I really would love to keep doing it in the future, as I said on My Best Holidays! post, I think is very important to swim and lose the fear of the water because it could save their lives.

I also would love to make classes of architecture and teach them what I could learn some day.


I don’t know what will happen in the future,

but I will try to enjoy everything what I do!


  1. Hi Jose! I see you in the future as a teacher, you would be great!! I hope that whatever you choose to do, you do it with a lot of love.

  2. Hi my friend! You will be an excellent architect and if you want to make classes about it you will be an amazing teacher!

  3. What luck to know that you want to study since you were little, I didn't have that luck hahaha I hope you achieve all your goals in the future :)


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